New York Build 2022

We had a great time at the March NY Build Expo’22.

We found interesting prospects for new partnerships in New York City and New England, explored new technologies and products, and showcased our geothermal systems offer to support builders, developers, designers, and architects, working to help bring down the CO2 emissions, per Local Law 97.

One of the highlights of the event was a lively discussion with fellow expo-participants from Germany, featuring battery-modeled freezer blocks for geothermal systems, to help engage the temperature difference for a continued and eco-mindful heat exchange alternative to ground loops. We studied each other’s blueprints and drawings, often collecting great commentary from engineers and guests passing by.

We particularly enjoyed panelists and discussions on the increasing awareness of the value of the human capital in the industry, questions of social and gender justice, greater diversity in our personnel and the widening scope of influence of the green practices we are all striving for. Particularly inspiring was the passion builders and expo guests expressed about the environment and the efforts to meet project deadlines with improved tools, materials, and technologies.

We danced with the Transformer-costumed artists who constantly walked the show,

were fascinated by a heat-scanning drone, gorgeous thin tiles that can be affixed to any surface in a building or home to collect solar energy. These were only a few of the many brilliant and mindful energy solutions available to our clients and collaborators.

Imagine your building heated and cooled by a geothermal system, supplemented with solar tiles like those mentioned above, and powered only by the earth and sun! Imagine not only meeting the requirements of Local Law 97, but creating a healthy, comfortable environment, that saves you money and eliminates carbon emissions!

NY-Geothermal can build just such a system for you. Contact us at for your complimentary feasibility assessment today. 

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